Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Supermicro IPMI

Hope you have more luck with Supermicro IPMI interfaces than I, they're not old school iLO or DRAC like in reliability for me, and I guess there aren't many developers working on keeping the few models updated.  Not quite Enterprise grade is what I'm saying I guess.  Like so many products if they could just increment it so support current Java it would be less painful.

Remote power management is vital though, as is remote console and media. I really, really don't want to drive (or fly) to a colo just to reboot a purple screen or do an O/S reinstall.

The first of my recent issues was unusual as anything I touch normally is running vSphere ESXi rather than Linux, in this case I was trying to recover IPMI access on a box running Ubuntu on the bare metal.
The card was in some sort of funky state, where is didn't respond on 443, but on 22 I could see the SSH banner (with telnet), but not login with ADMIN ADMIN with SSH.

Some Googling later I downloaded and installed the Supermicro IPMIcfg utility,
ipmicfg_1.23.0_general_20151106.zip, stuck the 64 bit binaries on the affected host, ran:

modprobe ipmi_si
modprobe ipmi_msghandler
modprobe ipmi_devintf

These load the kernel modules to enable the utility to talk to the hardware.  Then you're ready to run useful commands:
ipmicfg-linux.x86_64 -m   # Which lists the IPMI IP and MAC
ipmicfg-linux.x86_64 -user list   # Which gives a list of users and privilege levels
ipmicfg-linux.x86_64 -r   # Which performs a reboot of the card

It allowed me to confirm the IP address and username was correct at least, then do a reset of the card, after which access was restored.

The second issue was with my lab, somehow I've created users that don't work and deleted ADMIN.  I can login to the web interface as me and it shows 'simon / administrator' but all the options say 'You have no permission to view this section.' with the exception of a few read only ones.
I then managed to purple screen (I presume as I couldn't get to the remote KVM) one of my hosts so really wanted to issue a reset.
IPMIcfg is no use as I'm neither running Linux nor have a running O/S, so I had a long play with another tool, SMCIPMITool.  Also downloaded as a static binary only this time it is used against a remote target card.

SMCIPMITool ADMIN "ADMIN" ipmi sensor   # for example reads the sensor status

I found I couldn't do anything useful with the command in this form, but when I tried the shell option,


I eventually found that though 'power cycle' 'power reset' etc. returned an error (possibly permissions due to my weird account) 'power off' and 'power on' did work and I got my server back without venturing into the LA traffic.

Upon even further experimentation I also discovered that I can create new user accounts, so one quick,
user add 4 testuser testpassword 4
later, and I have an account which works properly in the GUI**.

Though getting the virtual KVM to work in modern Java on a model O/S was a huge pain - the applet is signed with a key that's both short and MD5, so even after whitelisting the IPs of my IPMIs I have to edit java.security to reenable MD5 certs and permit 256 bit certs.

Friday, February 12, 2016

RSA SecureID Authentication Manager 8.1

RSA SecureID Authentication Manager (AM), is one of those bits of software it seems I have to install once every five years or so, during which time I've lost all memory of how I did it, and anyway the product has probably evolved enough any knowledge would be out of date.
This time round OVA packaging of the appliance itself has simplified that bit of things, but the addition of a web tier for soft token distribution and user self-service added some complexity.

I don't think AM needs a lot of notes, but the complexity of licensing it and provisioning the tokens is exponentially greater than last time I did it, I'm guessing as a result of some well publicized breaches that have occurred.  Follow the docs and though tedious you end up with the required files and the application to decrypt the token seeds.

The tokens came on a CD - finding a way to read it took me a while, Celeron Linux mini system from the back of the garage pressed into service for that.  Then you use the codes printed on the CD to create a decryption file and password on the RSA site, then use the application to turn those plus the encrypted token seeds into something you can import into the app.

The AM web GUI is horribly unreliable for me, and I've tried Chrome, Mozilla, and IE, with IE being the least bad - though I still need to frequently mouse over a different tab in order to get menus to show up in the tab that I need - it took me a long time to realize this as first I thought it was a permissions issue, so I wasted time creating various different classes of administrator, logging in as them and finding still no luck on the menus.

The web tier install was complicated by RSA/EMC only supporting RHEL, which of course I don't have.  CentOS 6.5 seems to work fine but you have to change /etc/redhat-release to
'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago)'
so the RSA installer doesn't complain and exit.

I had various permissions issues, I gave up and chown rsauser / chmod 777 all the install files and their directory - I deleted them all after the install anyhow so why mess about.

Usual Linux best practices apply, NTP is vital due to the tokens etc. open-vm-tools, and the only other thing that caught me out despite my looking for it was that iptables blocked 443 out of the box, adding a rule:
'-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT'
 to /etc/sysconfig/iptables solved that.

To recover the Super Admin account, run: 
./rsautil restore-admin –u [tempadmin_name] –p [password]
from /opt/rsa/am/utils as the console user elevated to root.