Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Palo Alto RADIUS dictionary for RSA Authentication Manager

I Googled for a pre-built RADIUS dictionary to add to RSA Auth Manager in vain, so if I can save someone else twenty minutes:
This is a mash up of the results of following,, with the contents of

You need to SSH to the Authentication Manager server, cd to /opt/rsa/am/radius  
(You can also do it from file access in the Operations Console, and you need to do it on replicas too)
Then edit vendor.ini to add:

vendor-product       = Palo Alto Networks
dictionary           = paloalto
ignore-ports         = no
port-number-usage    = per-port-type
help-id              = 2000

Then to dictiona.dcm add:


And create paloalto.dct with contents:


MACRO PaloAlto(t,s) 26[vid=25461 type1=%t% len1=+2 data=%s%]

ATTRIBUTE       PaloAlto-Admin-Role           paloalto(1,string) r
# PaloAlto-Admin-Role is the name of the role for the user
# it can be the name of a custom Admin role profile configured on the
# PAN device or one of the following predefined roles
# superuser : Superuser
# superreader : Superuser (read-only)
# deviceadmin : Device administrator
# devicereader : Device administrator (read-only)
# vsysadmin : Virtual system administrator
# vsysreader : Virtual system administrator (read-only)

ATTRIBUTE       PaloAlto-Admin-Access-Domain  paloalto(2,string) r
# PaloAlto-Admin-Access-Domain is the name of the access domain object defined
# on the PAN device

ATTRIBUTE       PaloAlto-Panorama-Admin-Role  paloalto(3,string) r
# PaloAlto-Panorama-Admin-Role is the name of the role for the user
# it can be the name of a custom Admin role profile configured on the
# Panorama server or one of the following predefined roles
# superuser : Superuser
# superreader : Superuser (read-only)
# panorama-admin : Panorama administrator

ATTRIBUTE       PaloAlto-Panorama-Admin-Access-Domain   paloalto(4,string) r
# PaloAlto-Panorama-Admin-Access-Domain is the name of the access domain
# object defined on the Panorama server

ATTRIBUTE       PaloAlto-User-Group      paloalto(5,string) r
# PaloAlto-User-Group is the name of the group of users

ATTRIBUTE       PaloAlto-User-Domain        paloalto(6,string) r
# PaloAlto-User-Domain is the name of the user domain

ATTRIBUTE       PaloAlto-Client-Source-IP   paloalto(7,string) r
# PaloAlto-Client-Source-IP is the source IP address of the computer
# on which GlobalProtect client is used to log in

ATTRIBUTE       PaloAlto-Client-OS   paloalto(8,string) r
# PaloAlto-Client-OS is the operating system (OS) of the computer
# on which GlobalProtect client is used to log in

ATTRIBUTE       PaloAlto-Client-Hostname   paloalto(9,string) r
# PaloAlto-Client-Hostname is the hostname of the computer
# on which the user logs in

ATTRIBUTE       PaloAlto-GlobalProtect-Client-Version  paloalto(10,string) r
# PaloAlto-GlobalProtect-Client-Version is the version of GlobalProtect
# client which is used to log in

Then once you've restarted the RADIUS server, Palo Alto will appear in the list of RADIUS server client types you can select.  Then in the RADIUS profiles you will have a bunch of Palo Alto return attributes.
To make groups work you still need an LDAP somewhere for the firewall to pull the groups from, then you can have a return code like 'cn=admin group,ou=org groups,ou=groups,dc=orgname,dc=com'